25 March 2013

And on the next episode...

So what am i working on now, i can imagine you wondering? Well today a spare part arrived, so i have built all my wolves, and there ready to get finished off

Can you guess which the new one is XD

But first i think i'll finish off the skinwalkers as i want to feild them really badly, got another one done today after school so hopefully they wont be much longer especially with the easter hols coming up.

p.s dont worry about crummy pic quality, as im using my ds camera as this is just a workbench update not showing off the mini's upclose, so when these fellows are finished i'll give a proper pic update

23 March 2013

Warpborn skinwalker

This guy came recently in the starter set half i bought off ebay, gonna get him an alpha to give the unit some more bite, but after seeing the model painted, i think i'll stick with the colour scheme as its notably diffrent from the normal wolves, but still ties in with the army nicelly.

Stalker time

So yeah this models good to follow round celebraties and... Oh wait wrong type of stalker, this fella's new only painted a few nights ago, still untested in battle so im hyped to use him as many people say he's an absolute terror.


Fun to use and my personal favorite in the collection so far, he's slightly harder to use than the feral as he's less of a plain beatstick, but his slam shenanagins are brilliant.

Wolves W.I.P

The guys in the photos are one, but theres still 3 guys to paint one guy to build and a banner UA to base, i've only feilded these guys three times, but every game they've died in horrific and pointless ways, so hopefully i'll learn to play better using them soon,though i supose every dead wolf is one shot not fired at my druids or my trackers, so they're good for something.

one point wanders

This my gallows grove, wasn't initially planning on getting one, but my dad needed a tree for his conversion, so i took the second tree in the set for my force, i was very pleased with the paint job.

And a wolf of course, always handy for getting in the way and being a pain. I tried a new technique on the fur and skin here and think it worked really well, the same wetblending style has been passed onto my more recent beasties, notably the gnarlhorn and the stalker

22 March 2013

Solo action

The Blackclad, when used by me its basically a hunters mark gun on legs, as i love that 2 inch bonus as it can often allow some bizzare charges, especially with the warp speed on the feral (13 inch charge really is just unfriendly!)

And alten ashley, purly here as i love the model and his fluff, was an absolute joy to paint to!

Pureblood warpwolf

I really struggle running this guy, which is a shame as the models so nice, but he struggles to make his points back in most games i've ran him, so recently has been more and more often replaed with the gnarlhorn satyr, who is a much blunter tool, which suits my "run and smash them in the face" style of play much better

Druids of orboros

I was told these guys were absolutelly horrid when i started playing, and the people who told me that were right! They are always causing some trouble at the front of my battles, be it with there force bolts or screening my force with there smoke or anti magic force feild, they are always a welcome headache to my opponents plans

Tharn bloodtrackers

Here are my tharn trackers, they were the first infantry unit i painted, they're absolutelly nasty if you can get their prey in there sights, but i still struggle to use them, as unfortuanetly the people at my gaming club seem to know the horror they can cause so keep the prey as far as possible away, but theyre still fun to use

Argus, two heads are better than one

The two bad boys that are my argus, usually not fileded together as one's enough for some movement shenanagins and a handy animus, but i still loved the time i fielded the white fella as a winter argus against khador running sorcha, and my opponent thought he was safe from my army now it was all frozen, but had not antipated the winters immunity to cold so ran up in the luckily clear charge lane to sorcha and i dont think he killed her, but if i remember rightly gave her a good chomping that later won me the game, "whosagoodboy!"


Probably the model in my army thats killed the most enemys overall, he's an absolute monster, and while his paint job may not quite compete with my more recent efforts (as much as a bore art class can be it is certanly showing very pleasing results). I think his most memorable moment was when i was playing a guy with a new conquest and was pleased as punch when he got a chance to field it, and this guy got a sneaky charge in that he wasn;'t expecting thanks to some extra range from my wayfarer and this guy buffed by warp strength and a primal animus ripped the conquest a new asshole and utterly ruined it leaving the last little slither of health to be picked off by the pureblood standing ready to help.

Kaya the wildborn

Here's the first mini i painted for this miniature, also my joint most used model in the whole force, with her being myonly caster (I know one year and still running P-Kaya, what am i like?)
I was happy with this model for many reasons but mostly as even though it was my first in the army it didn't totally suck and the colours didn't work!


Hi, around this time last year i started playing Hordes, and since then i've played a lot of games and had a lot of fun, in this blog i plan to show off my models answer any questions people may have about my army and if i find the time hopefully get some nice pretty battle reports rollin', so without further ado lets get showing off my models!